
Bäumer Cube, the 3-D nesting software for cuboids

Cube not only optimally nests rectangular blocks of various sizes from different orders into different blocks, it also provides the operator of the vertical foam cutting machine with the optimal workflow.



Simple nesting for cuboids

Although a vertical cutting machine may seem to be a straightforward device, it is quite a complicated tool to operate on a daily basis. The machine operator is confronted with the task of optimally nesting variously sized rectangular blocks from many different orders within different blocks, all while producing as little waste as possible. Then these cuboids have to be cut from the block in the most time-efficient way possible.



Optimal material usage

Variously sized rectangular blocks from many different orders are optimally nested in different blocks in such a way that as little waste as possible is produced.



Time savings

Cube sorts the orders according to different material qualities, colors etc. and creates a complicated nesting much faster than it would be possible manually.



Operator-independent quality

Since the processing of a day’s production on the vertical cutting machine requires good planning and spatial thinking on the part of the operator, the efficiency and quality of the manual process are highly operator-dependent.



Identification of residual blocks

Residual blocks are marked with a unique identifier and booked back into storage.



Simple commissioning

Bäumer Cube assigns finished parts to orders or commissions so that the operator can remove, label and store them.



Integration into the control system

In principle, Cube can be added to any vertical cutting machine. The operator manually and individually enters the dimensions specified by the software manually in the control system, adjusts the stops etc. However, it is a quantum leap in terms of increased efficiency when the work steps specified by Cube are automatically executed by the machine. This is what the new generation of Baumer’s vertical cutting machines delivers. Here, the cutting process is automatic, taking into account the material-dependent cutting parameters such as the cutting speed. The progress as well as the end of the cutting process are displayed. Finished cut parts are visualized and labels can be printed.



Overview of all features

  • Preparation of cutting jobs during work preparation
  • Optimal block usage due to a clever nesting algorithm
  • Operator-specific parameters can be stored
  • Cost calculation feature for individual cut parts
  • Bäumer Cube is networkable – cutting jobs are called up by the operator via client PC on the machine, equipped with a large screen
  • Specification of optimal workflows
  • Clear instructions for machine operators thanks to a clear visualization
  • Marking and booking of finished parts and completion notifications
  • Integration into the control system of the IS-M vertical cutting machine for automatic processing of Cube’s instructions, such as stop positioning, setting of the number of cuts and the cutting thicknesses, execution of the cutting jobs
  • Cutting errors can be reported to the system and the parts that the concerned block or block part was intended for are automatically returned into the order pool
  • Identification of identical finished parts within a block and request for removal of entire layers
  • Attention to block edges (side, top and bottom skin or untrimmed edges)
  • Label printing for marking completed jobs, residual blocks and temporary blocks
  • Integrated residual block management


We will be happy to provide you with further information and materials.



With Bäumer Cube, a complicated nesting becomes child’s play

In our product video, we show how you can specifically benefit from the nesting software for cuboids in your daily work.

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Software consultation: Happy to help!

We will gladly support you in selecting the right nesting software.

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Our portfolio: Nesting software

Get the most out of your foam block: The intelligent nesting solutions ensure optimal material utilization, minimal cutting times and convenient, fast processes. Customized applications for mattresses, packaging or cuboids save time and money.




Bäumer Cube

Bäumer Cube 3D nests variously sized rectangular blocks from many different orders and provides the operator with the optimal workflow.



Bäumer Mattress Nest

With Bäumer Mattress Nest you can nest an entire day’s production of mattresses fully automatically. The special nesting algorithm ensures optimal material utilization.



Bäumer Nest

In conjunction with WinCAP, Bäumer Nest nests contour parts for a given block dimension. This guarantees a higher throughput and lowers the waste rate.



What Bäumer offers

Looking for the right machine for your needs?

Bäumer offers a wide range of individual machines that meet your specific requirements. Explore our foam cutting machines to find the right solution for your needs.


Find out how your processes can benefit from Bäumer.

Process optimization with the right software: With our software solutions, we provide you with the tools that enable you to react quickly to the day-to-day demands of the market.


Customized services for unique processes.

The many different people, machines and processes in a company do not fit into any general scheme. Discover our solutions for a wide range of different needs.
